Our Services


Our memberships are designed to broaden access to high-quality reads of all kinds.

Become a Member

Affordable Membership

With our membership, you can borrow books for as low as Rp17,000 per month.

Access to Our Catalogue

With over 1.000 books to choose from, you can borrow up to 3 books for up to 28 days with just a one-time payment.


Borrowed books can be read anywhere from public transport to your bed!


Members gain access to member-exclusive events, where they can bond with fellow readers.

Available to Rent

Tea Room

An intimate room welcoming up to six people, suitable for both drinking literal tea and spilling figurative tea.
Available to Rent

Collaborative Space

A spacious setting for up to fifteen people, designed for vibrant discussions.
Book any of our rooms for your personal or collaborative needs! Book a Room

Book Donations

Have a book you no longer want? Foreword can give your book a new and loving home. Share your favorite reads with us by filling out this form or simply bringing your books to us on-site.

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