Register as a Member

Foreword Membership Registration

Thank you for showing an interest in joining our Foreword family! Please note that this form is only for making a membership; you cannot borrow or reserve books online, only on-site. Memberships can also be made on-site.

  • The membership fee is Rp100.000 per 5 months, Rp200.000 per 1 year.
  • Money should be transferred to: BANK JAGO NISHRIN ASSEGAF 108317459216
  • A membership is required to bring books home, but not required to visit Foreword or read on the spot.
  • Members may borrow up to 1 book at a time, and must return them within 3 weeks. For the second cycle of borrowing, you can borrow up to 2 books, and for the 3rd cycle, you can borrow up to 3 (it caps at 3).
  • Once submitted, please confirm to Foreword via DM, or contact to Our WhatsApp Business: +62 85281116360
    After that, you will receive an email containing your digital membership card, detailed guidelines for borrowing, and consequences for lost, unreturned, or damaged books. A physical membership card will be given eventually.

All fields are required
Example: school, workplace, etc.
Rp100.000 / Rp200.000 to BANK JAGO NISHRIN ASSEGAF 108317459216